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Design variables whose values should be changed
From the viewpoint of supporting design, detecting inconsistent inequalities is not sufficient help to a designer. Especically in embodiment design, it is quite important for a designer to know what variable values are not appropriate. This section describes the method of finding out design variables whose values should be changed.
Suppose that
is an equation showing inconsistency among inequalities. Assignment of a concrete value to a design variable is expressed as a univariate linear equation. That is, univariate linear equation ``xk=a'' means ``a is assigned to xk''. Thus, by searching for univariate linear equations used for computing
design variables whose values should be changed can be found out. If ``xk=a'' is used to obtain
``xk=a'' has something to do with the inconsistency. Otherwise, ``xk=a'' has nothing to do with it.
Let C be the whole constraint set including univariate linear equations. Obviously,
belongs to the ideal defined by C. If
does not belong to the ideal defined by
it is concluded that xk=a is used to compute
Otherwise, xk=a is not necessary to obtain
Therefore, design variables whose values should be changed are found out according to the following procedures.
Method of detecting design variables whose values should be changed
- 1.
- Let C be the whole constraint set Eq. (2), and U be a set of univariate linear equations included in C. Suppose that
is the equation which shows inconsistency among inequalities in Eq. (1). Let E be an empty set.
- 2.
- If U is empty, return E.
- 3.
- Let xk=a be the first element in U, and U be
- 4.
- The Gröbner base G of
is computed.
- 5.
- Let
be a normal form of
by G. If
is not 0, let E be
- 6.
- Go back to Step 2.

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Up: Symbolic part
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IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings