26th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra

ACA 2020 will not Occur

Hello everyone. We regret to inform you that ACA'2020 will not occur. This is unfortunate as a number of really interesting sessions have been proposed, but health considerations are paramount, and at this point in time, we don't expect it will be possible to hold this conference, in Athens or elsewhere in 2020.

This announcement should come as no surprise. We expect other CA conferences, such as ISSAC, will suffer similar fates. We have decided, rather than cancel, to postpone the meeting until the situation settles down, either later in the year or more likely by one year, having it in Athens in 2021, dates to be decided later (We will pay special attention to how ISSAC is rescheduled as these two conferences were originally designed to be in sync this year). Ilias and Dimitris Simos have put a great deal of effort already in organizing this conference, and I appreciate their efforts and those of all the session organizers.

Michael Wester, Ilias Kotsireas, Dimitris Simos

ACA 2020 Coronavirus Bi-Weekly Update

The COVID-19 epidemic outbreak is affecting international events worldwide and may affect ACA 2020 as well. At this point, the intention is to to hold the conference as planned.

The ACA 2020 conference organizers will provide bi-weekly updates on the COVID-19 situation in Athens Greece, as of today March 9, 2020. These updates will be posted below.

ACA 2020 Coronavirus Bi-Weekly Update 1: Monday March 9, 2020

Greece has 45 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 0 deaths. The overall situation seems to be under control.

The Greek Ministry of Health https://www.moh.gov.gr/ and the National Organization of Public Health https://eody.gov.gr/ provide extensive information regarding the COVID-19 epidemic.

The Greek Ministry of Education has cancelled all school excursions abroad.

The following 4 hospitals in Athens have been designated as COVID-19 reference hospitals:

1. ΓΝ Νοσημάτων Θώρακος Αθηνών «Η Σωτηρία»
1. Athens General Hospital "The Salvation"

2. ΓΝ Αθηνών «Ο Ευαγγελισμός»
2. Athens General Hospital "Evangelismos"

3. Πανεπιστημιακό ΓΝ «Αττικόν»
3. University General Hospital "Attikon"

4. ΓΝ Ελευσίνας «Θριάσιο»
4. Eleusina General Hospital "Thriasio"

Recent information from the WHO: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus
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