26th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra

Important Dates

Submission of session proposals: January 23, 2020 (extended to March 1, 2020)
Submission of talks: April 23, 2020
Conference: July 14–18, 2020

Conference Topics

The ACA conference series is devoted to promoting all aspects of computer algebra applications, encouraging the interaction of developers of computer algebra systems with researchers and users (including scientists, engineers, educators, mathematicians and practitioners). Topics include, but are not limited to, computer algebra in the sciences, engineering, medicine, pure and applied mathematics, cryptology, education, and computer science.

The 26th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra will be held in Athens, Greece, July 15-18, 2020. Arrival/travel day is July 14, 2020, followed by 4 full conference days.

Call for Sessions

The ACA conferences are organized as a series of Special Sessions. All interested session organizers can propose a Special Session by sending an e-mail to the ACA 2020 Organizing Committee (General Chairs: Ilias Kotsireas at ikotsire@wlu.ca and Michael Wester at wester@math.unm.edu, Program Chair: Dimitris Simos, dsimos@sba-research.org). The ACA Working Group will then decide on the acceptance of the proposed session. All accepted sessions will be immediately announced on the conference website.

Session organizers are expected to prepare webpages to host the information regarding their special sessions. Links to the special session webpages will be provided on the ACA 2020 webpage.

A proposal for an ACA 2020 Special Session has to include:

(1) title of the Special Session,
(2) short abstract describing the Special Session,
(3) contact information of the organizers.

For more details please see:

For examples of past sessions, please consult past ACA conferences websites at:


ACA 2020 post-proceedings will be published in the Springer series Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. Full papers (up to 20 pages) corresponding to the talks presented at the ACA 2020 special sessions can be submitted for publication to the ACA 2020 Springer Proceedings volume. These contributions will be refereed up to the standards of the Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics book series. The proceedings editors are TBD.

Collocation with ISSAC 2020

ACA 2020 is collocated with ISSAC 2020, to be held in Kalamata, Greece, July 20-23, 2020. Free transportation (chartered buses) from Athens to Kalamata will be provided for ACA and ISSAC participants on July 19, 2020 and July 20, 2020, more details and exact schedules to be announced on the conference websites.

Organized by


Publisher Proceedings



Theme by grilldan.