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statistics colloquium

Event Type: 
Dr. Lauren Hund, Sandia National Laboratories.
Event Date: 
Friday, October 7, 2016 -
3:30pm to 5:00pm
SMLC 120
General PublicFaculty/StaffStudentsAlumni/Friends
Statistics group

Event Description: 

Title: Calibrating material properties with functional output using Bayesian model calibration

Abstract: In experiments conducted on the Z-machine at Sandia National Laboratories, dynamic material properties cannot be analyzed using traditional analytic methods, necessitating solving an inverse problem. Bayesian model calibration is a statistical framework for solving an inverse problem to estimate parameters input into a computational model in the presence of multiple uncertainties. Disentangling input parameter uncertainty and model misspecification is often poorly identified problem. When using computational models for physical parameter estimation, the issue of parameter identifiability must be carefully considered to obtain accurate and precise estimates of physical parameters. Additionally, in dynamic material properties applications, the experimental output is a function, velocity over time. While we can sample an arbitrarily large number of points from the measured velocity, these curves only contain a finite amount of information about the calibration parameters. In this report, we propose modifications to the Bayesian model calibration framework to  simplify and improve the estimation of physical parameters with functional outputs. Specifically, we  propose scaling the likelihood function by an effective sample size rather than modeling the discrepancy function; and modularizing input nuisance parameters with weakly identified parameters. We evaluate the performance of these proposed methods using a statistical simulation study and then apply these
methods to estimate parameters of the tantalum equation of state. We conclude that these proposed methods can provide simple, fast, and statistically valid alternatives to the full Bayesian model calibration procedure; and that these methods can be used to estimate parameters of the equation of state for tantalum.

Event Contact

Contact Name: Gabriel Huerta

Contact Email: