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The following examples were found with the help of the system Maple V Release 4.

EXAMPLE 3   Let P=P(y,y(1),exp(Q1))=y(1)-exp(y(1)-y), where Q1=y(1)-y. By using the command dsolve there is no answer to dsolve(P=0,y). If z= exp(Q1), then the equation $\{P=0\}$ is equivalent to the system
$(\alpha)$={y(1)-z=0, z(1)-y(2)+y(1)=0, y(2)-z(1)=0, z= exp(y(1)-y)}.
By eliminating z, the system $(\alpha)$ is equivalent to the system
$(\beta)$={y(1)-z=0, z(1)-y(2)+y(1)=0, P1=-y(2)+y(1)y(2)-(y(1))2=0, z= exp(y(1)-y)}.
By using the command dsolve, dsolve(P1=0,y) gives the answer


where c1,c2 are arbitrary constants and LambertW is a solution of the equation yexp(y)-t=0. The solutions of $\{P=0\}$ are given by substituting y and its derivatives in P=0 by the corresponding solutions of P1=0 in order to find conditions on the constants, because there is only one constant in the general solution of P=0.

EXAMPLE 4   Let P=P(y,y(1),log(R1))=y(1)-log(y(1)-y), where R1=y(1)-y. By using the command dsolve there is no answer to dsolve(P=0,y). If v= log(R1), then the equation $\{P=0\}$ is equivalent to the system
$(\alpha)$={y(1)-v=0, y(1)v(1)-yv(1)-y(2)+y(1)=0, y(2)-v(1)=0, v= log(y(1)-y)}.
By eliminating v, the system $(\alpha)$ is equivalent to the system
$(\beta)$={y(1)-v=0, y(1)v(1)-yv(1)-y(2)+y(1)=0, P1= -y(2)+y(1)+y(1)y(2)-yy(2))=0, v= log(y(1)-y)}.
By using the command dsolve, dsolve(P1=0,y) gives the answer

\begin{displaymath}t=\int^{y}_{0} \frac{1}{-LambertW(-c_{1}exp(y^{(1)})+y^{(1)})}dy^{(1)}-c_{2}\end{displaymath}

where c1,c2 are arbitrary constants and LambertW is a solution of the equation yexp(y)-t=0. The solutions of $\{P=0\}$ are given by substituting y and its derivatives in P=0 by the corresponding solutions of P1=0 in order to find conditions on the constants, because there is only one constant in the general solution of P=0.

EXAMPLE 5   Let P= P(y,y(1),exp(Q1),log(R1))= y(1)-y-exp(y(1))- log(y(1)), where Q1=y(1) and R1=y(1). By using the command dsolve there is no answer to dsolve(P=0,y). If z= exp(Q1) and v= log(R1), then the equation $\{P=0\}$ is equivalent to the system
$(\alpha)$={ y(1)-y-z-v=0, z1-y(2)=0, y(1)v(1)-y(2)=0, y(2)-y(1)-z(1)-v(1)=0, z= exp(y(1)), v= log(y(1))}.
By eliminating v and z, the system $(\alpha)$ is equivalent to the system
$(\beta)$={y(1)-v=0, z1-y(2)=0, y(1)v(1)-y(2)=0, P1= y(1)y(2)z-y(1)y(2)+(y(1))2+y(2)=0, P1(1)=0, P2= (y(2))3+(y(2))3y(1)-(y(2))2(y(1))2 -(y(2))3(y(1))2+(y(2))2(y(1))3+ y(3)(y(1))3}.
By using the command dsolve, dsolve(P2=0,y) gives the answer


where c1,c2,c3 are arbitrary constants and $Ei(t)=
\int \frac{exp(-tz)}{z}dt$. The solutions of $\{P=0\}$ are given by substituting y and its derivatives in P=0 by the corresponding solutions of P1=0 in order to find conditions on the constants, because there is only one constant in the general solution of P=0.

EXAMPLE 6   Let P= P(y,y(1),exp(Q1),log(R1))= $y^{(1)}-exp(y^{(1)})-\\
log(y^{(1)})$, where Q1=y(1) and R1=y(1). By using the command dsolve there is no answer to dsolve(P=0,y). If z= exp(Q1) and v= log(R1), then the equation $\{P=0\}$ is equivalent to the system
$(\alpha)$={ y(1)-z-v=0, z1-y(2)=0, y(1)v(1)-y(2)=0, y(2)-z(1)-v(1)=0, z= exp(y(1)),v= log(y(1))}.
By eliminating v and z, the system $(\alpha)$ is equivalent to the system
$(\beta)$={y(1)-v=0, z1-y(2)=0, y(1)v(1)-y(2)=0, P1= y(1)y(2)z-y(1)y(2)+y(2)=0, P1(1)=0, P2=-(y(2))3-(y(2))3y(1)+(y(2))3(y(1))2}.
By using the command dsolve, dsolve(P2=0,y) gives the answer

\begin{displaymath}y=\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}t+c_{1}, y=\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}t+c_{1},

where c1,c2 are arbitrary constants. By using the comand fsolve, fsolve(x-exp(x)-log(x),x) gives the answer x=0.3441612867.
So y=0.3441612867t+c2 is the general solution of {P=0}.

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IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings