ACA'98 Sessions
1998 IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra
Electronic Proceedings
Papers/abstracts indexed by sessions
Applications of Gröbner Bases
Applications to Artificial Intelligence and to other Nonstandard Applications
Approximate Algebraic Computation
Automatic Differentiation for adjoint codes generation
Computation in Algebra and Geometry
Computer Algebra Applications in Biology, Ecology and Medicine
Computer Algebra Methods in Integration and Symmetry Analysis of ODEs
Control Theory
Dynamical Systems and Mechanics
Education meets Computer Algebra: A Double Challenge
General Relativity
High Energy Physics
High Performance Symbolic Computing
History of Computer Algebra Applications
Industrial Applications
Problem Solving Environments
Quantum Theory
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Applications
of Gröbner Bases
Quoc-Nam Tran
- Computer Support for Inventing
Gröbner Bases Theory
(Bruno Buchberger)
- Gröbner Bases
Specialization through Hilbert Functions:
The Homogeneous Case
(M.-J. Gonzalez-Lopez, Laureano Gonzalez-Vega, Carlo Traverso &
Alberto Zanoni)
- Solving Systems of Nonlinear
Algebraic Equations by Using the Gröbner Walk
Method and Its Improvements
(Quoc-Nam Tran)
- Gröbner Bases in
Fractional Polynomial Rings and their
(Giuseppa Carra'-Ferro)
- On Algorithmic Desingularization
of Hypersurfaces
(Gabor Bodnar & Josef Schicho)
- Systems of Laurent Polynomial
Equations and Gröbner Bases
(Franz Pauer)
- Factor-SAGBI Bases:
a Tool for Computations in Subalgebras of Factor
(Patrik Nordbeck)
- Sparse Structual
Gröbner Basis Detection
(Karin Gatermann)
- Functional Decomposition
and Gröbner Basis
(Jaime Gutierrez & Rosario Rubio San Miguel)
- Using Gröbner Bases
and Invariant Theory to Check a Conjecture in
Celestial Mechanics
(Ilias Kotsireas)
- Practical Computations
with Gröbner Bases
(Daniel Lichtblau)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Applications to
Artificial Intelligence and to other Nonstandard
E. Roanes-Lozano
- Railway Interlocking
Systems and Gröbner Bases
(Eugenio Roanes-Lozano*, Luis M. Laita & Eugenio Roanes-Macias)
- Structural Modeling of
Internal Combustion Engines with Maple V
(Andrey Sokolov)
- Boole's Logic Revisited
from Computer Algebra. A Partial Validation of
Boole's Inference Procedures
(Luis M. Laita, Luis de Ledesma*, Eugenio Roanes-Lozano & Aurora Purez)
- Simplification for
the Laplace--Beltrami Operator
(Shigekazu Nakagawa*, Hiroki Hashiguchi & Naoto Niki)
- "Brainy" Functions
(Johannn Wiesenbauer)
- Approximate Bayesian
Computations with Symbolic Integration
(Lubomir Soukup)
- A CAS Aid
in the Elaboration of the Expert System Supporting the Managing
the Monolithic Construction Process
(Magdalena Hajdasz & Adam Marlewski*)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Approximate
Algebraic Computation
M. Noda
T. Sasaki
- Approximate Algebraic
Computation - IMACS 98
(David Rupprecht)
- Computation of Approximate
Polynomial Gcds and an Extension
(Victor Y. Pan)
- Accuracy Analysis of Hybrid
Rational Interpolation
(Hiroshi Kai* & Matu-Tarow Noda)
- Approximate Multivariate
Factorization and Its Time Complexity
(Kosaku Nagasaka & Tateaki Sasaki*)
- Remarks on Automatic
Algorithm Stabilization
(Kiyoshi Shirayanagi* & Moss Sweedler)
- Approximate Implicitation of
Rational Surfaces
(Laureano Gonzalez-Vega* & I. Necula)
- ``Approximate Zero-points''
of Univariate Polynomial with Small Error Terms
(Akira Terui* & Tateaki Sasaki)
- Cancellation Errors in
Multivariate Resultant Computation with Floating-Point Numbers
(Tateaki Sasaki* & Tomoyuki Sato)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Automatic
Differentiation for adjoint codes generation
C. Faure
- Reduction of Storage of
Variables in Automatic Computation of Adjoint Code
(Mohamed Tadjouddine)
- Generation of the Adjoint
Code of the Meteorological Model Meso-NH
(Isabelle Charpentier)
- Using TAMC to Generate
Efficient Adjoint Code
(Ralf Giering & Thomas Kaminski*)
- Hierarchical Approach to
Automatic Differentiation
(Marco Mancini)
- Joys and Pains of Implementing
the Reverse Mode of Automatic Differentiation by Overloading
(Uwe Naumann)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Computation in
Algebra and Geometry
A.V. Mikhalev,
A.A. Mikhalev
G.F. Pilz
- Parallel Poly-Pushdown Automatic
(Gilbert Baumslag)
- Computations in Free
(Alexei Miasnikov)
- Category of Representations of
Elementary Knowledge
(B. Plotkin & Tatjana Plotkin*)
- Optimal Parametrization of
Algebraic Curves
(Franz Winkler)
- Computations on
Quasi Algebraic Set
(William Sit)
- Computation of Standard Bases
of Ideals of Free Noncommutative Algebras
(Alexander A. Mikhalev* & Andrej A. Zolotykh)
- Involutive Division
and Applications
(Vladimir Gerdt)
- Linear Recurring Sequences
over Rings and Modules
(Alexander V. Mikhalev* & Alexander A. Nechaev)
- Computation of Multivariable Differential
Dimension Polynomials
(Alexander Levin)
- Graded Codes
(Justo Peralta Lopez)
- On the complexity of the Solution of
Polynomial Equations and Systems of Equations
(Victor Y. Pan)
- Matrix Mappings Preserving Diedonne
Determinant and their Algorithmic Constructions
(Elena Kreines)
- Graded Mappings of Frobenius Type and
their Algorithmic Constructions
(Alexander Gouterman)
- Polynomial Arithmetic
mod p using DERIVE
(Johann Wiesenbauer)
- Polynomial Multivariate
(Jaime Gutierrez & Rosario Rubio San Miguel*)
- On Computing the Weierstrass Points of
a Plane Algebraic Curve
(Mark Heiligman & Emil Volcheck*)
- Computation of Moduli, Periods
and Modular Symbols
(Nikolaj Glazunov)
- An Approach to Computing
the Action of Steenrod Squares on the Cohomology
of Polyhedral Simplicial Sets
(Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz* & Pedro Real Jurado)
- The Involutive
Gröbner Walk
(Oleg Goloubitsky)
- Weight Characteristics of Linear
Recurrences and Linear Codes over Galois Rings
(A.S. Kuzmin & Alexander A. Nechaev*)
- Software MAGNUS
(Gilbert Baumslag & Alexei Miasnikov)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Computer
Algebra Applications in Biology, Ecology and Medicine
N.I. Gurin,
N.K. Zaitsev
V. Edneral
- Methods of Computer
Algebra for Deciding the Incorrect Problems in
Chemical Technologies
(Nikolai I. Gurin* & G.F. Pinaev)
- Computing Threshold Conditions
for Models of Infectious Diseases with
(Paul Milligan & Andreas Weber*)
- Fractal Time Series Analysis
and Predictions for Tumor Spreading
(Margarita V. Voitikova, presented by N.Gurin*)
- Using a Symbol
Transformation System Maple for Modeling of Soiling
(Nikolai I. Gurin* & V.L. Kolesnikov)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Computer Algebra
Methods in Integration and Symmetry Analysis of ODEs
F. Schwarz
V. Gerdt
- Symbolic Computation of Approximate
Symmetries for Ordinary Differential Equations
(Serge Andrianov)
- Applications of Computer Algebra to
Gasdynamic Problems of Ballistic
(Alain Carriere* & Louis-Remi Oudin*)
- Invariants of Ordinary Differential
(Matthias Berth)
- Involution and Lie Symmetry Analysis of
Differential Equations
(Vladimir Gerdt)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Control
P. Dorato
C. Abdallah
- Applications of Quantifier
Elimination Software to Control System Design: An Overview
(Peter Dorato)
- Solving LMI and BMI Problems by
Quantifier Elimination
(Hirokazu Anai)
- On Switched Polynomial
Systems and Exact Output Tracking
(Mats Jirstrand & Dragan Nesi'c)
- Application of Mixed
QE/Probabilistic Methods for Nonlinear Feedback Design
(Chaouki T. Abdallah)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Dynamical
Systems and Mechanics
V. Edneral
N. Vassiliev
- Computer Algebra
and Problems of Motion Stability
(Andrej V. Banshchikov & Larissa A. Bourlakova*)
- The Usage
of the system MATHEMATICA in some Problems of Mechanics
(Valentin D. Irtegov* & Tatyana N. Titorenko)
- Symbolic-Numeric
Investigations for Stability Analysis of Lagrange
(Sergey Gutnik)
- Formal Integral and
Symplectic Mapping
(Nikolay N. Vassiliev)
- Constructing Some
Classes of Specialized Numerical ODE. Integrators by
Means of Computer Algebra Systems
(Nikolay N. Vassiliev* & Nikolay O. Kirsanov)
- Symplectification
of Truncated Maps for Hamiltonian Systems
(Serge N. Andrianov)
- The Integration
of Ordinary Differential Equations: Factorization and
(Lev M. Berkovich)
- Computer Algebra
of Vector Bundles and Complex Foliations of Polynomial
Dynamical Systems
(Nikolaj M. Glazunov)
- Systems of Nonlinear
and Algebraic Nonlinear Ordinary Differential
(Giuseppa Carra'-Ferro)
- On Initial Value
Problems for Ordinary Differential-Algebraic Equations
(F. Leon Pritchard* & William Sit*)
- Calculations and
Applications of Newton Polyhedrons
(Alexander B. Aranson)
- Construction
of Doubly Periodic Solutions via the Poincare-Lindstedt Method
in the Case of Massless
(Sergey Yu. Vernov)
- Automata Network
Dynamical Systems for Construction of Fractal Objects
(Vasily M. Severyanov)
- Generalized Normal
Forms by Relegation
(Andre Deprit, Jesus Palacian Subiela, Etienne Deprit* & J.-F. San Juan)
- Computing Threshold Conditions
for Models of Infectious Diseases with
(Paul Milligan & Andreas Weber*)
- On Structure
Preserving Normal Forms of Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems
(J. Mikram & Fouad Zinoun*)
- Normal Form Method
and Approximated Solutions ODEs till the 4th Order
(Victor F. Edneral)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Education meets
Computer Algebra: A Double Challenge(Special Issue in
B. Kutzler
Chairs of subsessions: T. Jebelean, M. Rayes, P. Schofield
- The TI-92 as a Vehicle for Teaching
Algebraic Thinking
(Edward Miller* & Laura Bracken*)
- Computer Algebra and Education. Examples
of Exercises with the Help of MAPLE
(Frederique Barkats)
- Symbolic Maximum Likelihood Estimation
(Colin Rose & Murray Smith*)
- Error Correcting Codes with DERIVE for
(Peter Schofield)
- IDA: an Interactive Document on
(Arjeh M. Cohen)
- Symbolic Computations with
Algebraic Numbers
(Hans-Gert Graebe)
- Teaching Basic Concepts in Analysis with
Dynamical Geometry Programs
(Stefan Welke)
- Solving Systems of Linear
Equation with the TI-92 - An Example for the
Scaffolding Method
(Bernhard Kutzler)
- Complex Application of CA / ICS in
High-Tech Engineering Education
(Ladislav Drska*, Richard Liska & Milan Sinor)
- Visualizing Mathematics and
Mathematical Processes
(A. Israel Weinzweig)
- Computer Algebra in Teaching Chemistry:
a Package for Balancing Chemical Equations (MAPLE)
(Juan Llovet & Carlos Esebbag*)
- Computer Algebra Systems in Applied
Mathematics Education: Experiences and Future Directions
(Peder Thusgaard Ruhoff)
- Use of Formulae Bases in Teaching
and Learning Mathematics (MATHEMATICA)
(Margarita Spiridonova)
- Introducing and Implementing
CAS into Pre- and Inservice Education and Training
(Yasar Ersoy)
- Should Students Do Algebra when
Computer Algebra Systems Can Do it for Them?
(Paul Strickland & Dhiya Al-Jumeily*)
- The Use of Computer Algebra in a
Step-by-step Solution of Problems (MAPLE)
(Eno Tonisson)
- Chances and Risks of Heuristic
Reasoning: Some Examples using DERIVE
(Johann Wiesenbauer)
- Graphing Elementary Real Functions:
What Can and Cannot Be Done with a CAS (MAPLE)
(Eberhard H.A. Gerbracht* & Werner Struckmann)
- Should Recursion Be Part of the
Secondary Student's Mathematics Toolbox?
(Antonio Quesada)
- Using Theorema for Mathematical
(Bruno Buchberger & Tudor Jebelean*)
- The Computer Classroom Lecture
(Bill Pletsch)
- Computer Algebra Support for Dynamical
System Study (MAPLE)
(Vasiliy Govorukhin* & V. Tsybulin)
- Composite Algorithms in the Teaching of
Mathematical Methods (AXIOM)
(Brian Dupee*, Raquel Martinez & Santiago Tapia)
- On the Applicability of Intelligent
Computer Algebra Systems in Mathematics Education
(Maria Nisheva-Pavlova)
- How To Create Textbooks With Live
Mathematics Using LaTeX
(Richard D. Jenks)
- Using DERIVE in Deriving
the Numerical Quadrature Formulas
(Adam Marlewski)
- CAS, Educational Microworlds, and the
(Nurit Zehavi)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- General
T. Wolf
S. Klioner
- Facilities for General Relativity in
(Richard J. Petti)
- Two Applications of Macsyma in General
(Richard J. Petti)
- A Package for Computation with
Indexed Objects within Mathematica and its Applications to Metric Gravity
(Sergei Klioner)
- Simplifications of Tensor Expressions
and Computations with Kerr-Schild Metrics
(Nikolay N. Vassiliev)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- High Energy
D. Perret-Gallix
V. Edneral
- Algebraic Computer Algorithms
and Path Integral Methods
(Edwin J. Vargas Sanchez)
- CompHEP -
Integrated Computer Algebra System for Calculation in High Energy
(Victor F. Edneral)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- High
Performance Symbolic Computing and Challenges of Computer
Algebra(Special Issue in preparation)
L. Bernardin
- Towards Computing
the Composition Factors of Permutation Groups of Degree
(John Cannon)
Data-flow Multithreaded Parallelism in Computer Algebra Algorithms
(Jean-Louis Roch, Thierry Gautier*, Jean-Guillaume Dumas & Gilles
- Solving
the Six-Line Problem with the Dixon Resultant
(Robert Lewis* & George Nakos)
Challenges of Symbolic Computation: My Favorite Open Problems
(Erich Kaltofen)
- Correct and Useful
Simplification of Complex-valued Functions - What can be
(Rob Corless)
Towards High-Performance Symbolic Computing in MuPAD: Multi-Polynomial
Quadratic Sieve using Macro Parallelism and Dynamic Modules
(Thomas Metzner, Manfred Radimersky, Andreas Sorgatz* & Stefan
- Constructing Fast
Algorithms: The Computational Approach
(Laurent Bernardin)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- History of
Computer Algebra Applications
M. Grosheva
G.B. Efimov
- On Some Computer Algebra
Applications in Bulgaria
(Margarita Spiridonova*, A. Gerov & M. Nisheva-Pavlova)
- The History of Computer
Algebra Application in Mechanics in Russia (Soviet Union)
(Gregory B. Efimov* & M.V. Grosheva)
- Experience of Development
and Usage of Packages of Symbolic Computations Intended for Investigation
of Mechanical Systems
(Andrej V. Banshchikov, Larissa A. Bourlakova*, Galina N. Ivanova,
Valentin D. Irtegov, Mikhal A. Novichov & Tatyana N. Titorenko)
- Computer Algebra at Keldysh
(Gregory B. Efimov*, I.B. Tshenkov & E. Yu. Zueva)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Industrial
S. Stifter
- Industrial Design Aided by
Computer Algebra
(Arjeh M. Cohen)
Polynomial System Solving for Industrial Problems: A Report from the FRISCO
(Laureano Gonzalez-Vega)
- CGAL: A Library for Flexible
Geometric Computing
(Remco Veltkamp)
- The Algebraic Under Constraint
Solver as a Design Tool
(Hiroyuki Sawada)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Problem Solving
J. Johnson
S. Steinberg
- The Application Driven Ctadel
(Robert van Engelen, Lex Wolters* & Gerard Cats)
- SciNapse: A Problem Solving
(Stanly Steinberg)
- Perspectives on Integrating Mathematics
and Software
(Richard Petti)
- Numerical Simulations by Symbolic
(Gustav Amberg)
- Wrapping Computer Algebra Components
with Java and CORBA
(Wolfgang Kuechlin)
- PSE Construction using Software
(Bruce Char, Jeremy Johnson* & Lakshman Y. N.)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Quantum
L. Kocbach
- The Perturbed Eigenvalue
Problem and its Application to the Solution of the Schrödinger
Equation by a kP Perturbation Method
(Clause-Pierre Jeannerod*, Nicolas Maillard & Eckhard Pflügel)
- Symbolic-Numeric Codes and
Computer Algebra Systems
(Ladislav Kocbach)
- Generation of Numerical Codes for
Evaluation of Atomic Scattering Quantities by Computer Algebra
(Imad Ladadwa)
- Molecular Orbital Integrals using
(Junbai B. Wang)
- Computer algebra systems as
a tool for computer proofs in quantum logic theory
(Miroslav Hamouz & Mirko Navara*)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings
- Robotics
J. Pfalzgraf
- Some Geometric and
Computer Algebra Aspects on Modeling Robot Arms
(Jochen Pfalzgraf)
- A Practical Implementation of
an Algorithm for Decomposing Sine-Cosine Equations with Parametric
(Jaime Gutierrez)
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings