Computer Algebra in Education
at ACA'2019
to be held July 16-20 at ÉTS, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Michael Wester, University of New
Mexico, USA
Noah Dana-Picard, Jerusalem College of
Technology, Israel
Alkis Akritas, University of Thessaly,
José Luis Galán
García, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Elena Varbanova, Technical University of
Sofia, Bulgaria
Pavel Pech, University of South Bohemia,
Czech Republic
Roman Hašek, University of South
Bohemia, Czech Republic
Anatoli Kouropatov, Center for
Educational Technology, Israel
Xavier Provençal,
ÉTS, Canada
Education has become one of the fastest growing application areas for computers
in general and computer algebra in particular. Computer Algebra Systems (CAS)
make for powerful teaching and learning tools within mathematics, physics,
chemistry, biology, economics, etc. Among them are:
(a) the commercial "heavy weights" such as Casio ClassPad 330, Derive, Magma,
Maple, Mathematica, MuPAD, TI NSpire CAS, and
(b) the free software/open source systems such as Axiom, Euler, Fermat,
wxMaxima, Reduce, and the rising stars such as GeoGebra, Sage, SymPy and Xcas
(the swiss knife for mathematics).
The goal of this session is to exchange ideas, discuss classroom experiences,
and to explore significant issues relating to CAS tools/use within education.
Subjects of interest for this session will include new CAS-based
teaching/learning strategies, curriculum changes, new support materials,
assessment practices from all scientific fields, and experiences of joint use
of applied mathematics and CAS including dynamic geometry.
We emphasize that all levels of education are welcome, from high school to
university, and that all domains are welcome, including teacher training,
engineer training, etc.
If you are interested in proposing a talk, please send an abstract to
Michael Wester. Please use this
LaTeX template
for your abstract and send both the LaTeX source and a compiled PDF version.
We suggest that abstracts be at least half a page including references.
- Exciting Updates to the
TI-NspireTMWorld (Part I, Part II)
(Gosia Brothers, Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas, USA)
- Dynamic Applications for Learning and
Exploring Mathematics Using Computer Algebra
(William Bauldry and Wade Ellis, North Carolina and California, USA)
- Interactive tutorials, an example on
symmetric functions
(Pauline Hubert and Mélodie Lapointe, UQAM, Canada)
- Realizing the concept of "Multiple
Representations" by using CAS [Part I, Part II]
(Helmut Heugl, Austrian Center for Didactics of Computer Algebra)
- Putting words on arrows and loops
(Gilbert Labelle and Louise Laforest, UQAM, Montréal, Canada)
- Symbolic calculation behind
floating-point arithmetic using CAS
(Włodzimierz Wojas, Jan Krupa, Jarosław Bojarski,
- Gaussian Elimination with
(Aharon Naiman, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel)
- Computer tools as tools of semiotic
mediation in studying infinitesimal analysis: The didactical
(Anatoli Kouropatov, Levinsky College of Education, Tel-Aviv, Israel)
- Methodological issues of application of
computer algebra in blended learning environment
(Elena Varbanova and Daniela Georgieva, Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Using CAS in the classroom: personal
(Michel Beaudin, ÉTS, Canada)
- Surfaces and their Duals
(Josef Böhm, Austria)
- Investigations with DGS and CAS dealing with
problems of equal area and particularly a possible generalization to 3D of
the known results of the Lhuillier problem
(Jean-Jacques Dahan, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France)
- DGS assisted activities around
the Golden Ratio in Space and Time
(Thierry Dana-Picard and Sara Hershkovitz, Israel)
- GeoGebra Automated Reasoning Tools: a problem
from Spanish Civil Service Math Teachers' examination
(M. Pilar Vélez, Zoltán Kovács, Tomáas Recio,
Spain and Austria)
- The importance of being
continuously continuous
(David Jeffrey and David Stoutemyer, Hawaii, USA and London, Canada)
- Proving and Disproving Subspaces
with Mathematica
(Aharon Naiman, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel)
- Using a CAS-developed random
samples generator for teaching and researching in probabilistic cellular
automata and Statistics
(Gabriel Aguilera-Venegas, José L. Galán-García,
María Á. Galán-García, Pedro
Rodríguez-Cielos, Yolanda Padilla-Domínguez, María
Galán-Luque, Spain)
- Parametric integrals,
combinatorial identities and applications
(Thierry Dana-Picard and David G. Zeitoun)
- Teaching the residue theorem
and its applications with a Cas
(José Luis Galán-García, Gabriel Aguilera-Venegas,
Pedro Rodríguez-Cielos, Yolanda Padilla-Domínguez,
María Ángeles Galán-García, Spain)
- Some examples of calculation
improper integrals using CAS
(Włodzimierz Wojas, Jan Krupa, Jarosław Bojarski,
- Making first contact and getting a firmer
grip on mathematical concepts using CAS
(Geneviève Savard, ÉTS, Canada)
- We have been told to use all the
(Louis-Xavier Proulx, Michel Beaudin, Anouk Bergeron-Brlek,
Geneviève Savard, ÉTS, Canada)
- SFOPDES.dfw: A stepwise tutorial
for solving Partial Differential Equations with Derive
(José Luis Galáan-García, Gabriel Aguilera-Venegas,
Pedro Rodríguez-Cielos, Yolanda Padilla-Domínguez,
María Ángeles Galán-García, Ricardo
Rodríguez-Cielos, Spain)
- Familiarizing students with
definition of Lebesgue integral using Mathematica - some examples of
calculation directly from its definition: Part 2
(Włodzimierz Wojas, Jan Krupa, Jarosław Bojarski,
- Assessment Tools in Maple: Recent Developments
and Challenges
(Paulina Chin and Paul DeMarco, Maplesoft, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
- Innovative CAS Technology Use in University
Mathematics Teaching and Assessment
(Daniel Jarvis, Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario, Canada)
- Teaching Decision Analysis using a Computer
Algebra System
(Karsten Schmidt, Germany)
- Boosting Rocket Performance without
(Michael Xue, Vroom Laboratory for Advanced Computing, USA)
Go to:
ACA'2019 main page
Conferences on Applications of Computer
Algebra main page