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                     Recent visits of UNM students to Albuquerque Schools

The following are examples of recent visits of UNM students to Albuquerque Schools, including a summary of how they prepared for the visit, what material they presented, and some feedback from the teacher.

April 2014: Miranda Mundt and Cullen Roth, UNM undergraduates in Mathematics, visited
                   a junior level and a senior level class of Mr James See, teacher, at
                   West Mesa High School.
                   Preparing for the visit.
                   Summary: Bubbles and Bifurcations. Worksheet.
                   Feedback from Mr See.

March 2014: Yuridia Leyva and Scott Guernsey, UNM undergraduates in Mathematics, visited
                   two 6th grade classes of Ms Adrian Leal, teacher, at
                   South Valley Academy.
                   Preparing for the visit.
                   Summary: About ratios.
                   Feedback from Ms Leal.

March 2014: Kirstin Harriger and Andrew Baxter, UNM undergraduates in Mathematics, visited
                   two 6th grade classes of Ms Adrian Leal, teacher, at
                   South Valley Academy.
                   Preparing for the visit.
                   Summary: A Card Trick.
                   Feedback from Ms Leal.

May 2013: Katherine Freeland, UNM undergraduate in Statistics, visited the
                   8th grade class of Ms Austyn McCance, teacher, at
                   21st Century Public Academy.
                   Preparing for the visit.
                   Summary: Outliers and how they affect the five number summary.
                   Feedback from Ms McCance .

May 2013: Andrew Herring and Michael Brown, UNM undergraduates in Mathematics, visited the
                   Honors Pre-Calc class of Ms Therese Wright, teacher, at
                   West Mesa High School.
                   Preparing for the visit.
                   Summary: Pascal's Triangle.
                   Feedback from Ms Wright .