Cristina Pereyra, Publications>
- Two-weight inequalities for the weigthed square function and t-Haar multipliers
with Daewon Chung, Jean Carlo Moraes and Brett Wick.
To be submitted to J. Geom. Anal. Special Volume (peer reviewed) honoring Jill Pipher, Jan 2025 (27pp).
Available at arXiv:2501.16272
- Las Funciones Booleanas y el Lema de Bonami. (Expository article, peer reviewed)
with Maria Jose Gonzalez and Paul MacManus.
Accepted Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matematica Espanola (RSME) [equivalent to Bulletin of AMS in Spain], Jan 2025 (29 pp)
- Two-weight inequalities for t-Haar multipliers
with Daewon Chung, Weiyan Huang, Jean Carlo Moraes, and Brett Wick.
Accepted J. Geom. Anal. Sep. 2024 (32 pp)
Available at arXiv:2303.14556
- Atomic decomposition of product Hardy spaces via wavelet bases on spaces of homogeneous type
with Yongsheng Han, Ji Li and Lesley Ward.
New York J. Math. 27 (2021), 1173--1239.
Available at NYJM
- Geometric Characterization of embedding theorems --for Sobolev, Besov, and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on spaces of homogeneous type-- via orthonormal wavelets
with Yanchang Han, Yongsheng Han, Ziyi He, and Ji Li.
J. Geom. Anal. 31 (9) (2021), 8947-8978. DOI: 10.1007/s12220-020-00536-6
- A note on weak factorization of Meyer-type Hardy space via Cauchy operator
with Yongsheng Han, Ji Li, and Brett Wick.
Studia Math 253 (2020), 307--327.
Available at arXiv:1902.00839
- Dyadic harmonic analysis and weighted inequalities: the sparse revolution.
In: Aldroubi A., Cabrelli C., Jaffard S., Molter U. (eds) New Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis, Volume 2.
Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Birkhauser, Cham (2019) 259--239.
Available at arXiv:1812.00850v1
- On Two Weight Estimates for Dyadic Operators.
with Oleksandra Beznosova, Daewon Chung, and Jean Moraes.
M. C. Pereyra et al (eds), Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Banach Spaces, and Operator Theory (Volume 2).
Association for Women in Mathematics Series 5, Springer International Publishing (2017) 135--169.
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- Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Banach Spaces, and Operator Theory (Volume 2).
Celebrating Cora Sadosky's life.
Edited by Pereyra, M.C., Marcantognini, S., Stokolos, A.M., Urbina, W.
Association for Women in Mathematics Series, 5, Springer, Cham, 2017, xx+460 pp.
Title online
- Remembering Cora Sadosky.
with Estela Gavosto, Andrea R. Nahmod, Gustavo Ponce, Rodolfo H. Torres, and Wilfredo Urbina.
Reprinted from AWM Newsletter 41, no. 2, (2011), 5-14. With additional contributions by Steven Krantz, Maria Dolores Morn and Guido L. Weiss. Association for Women in Mathematics Ser., 4, Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, complex analysis, Banach spaces, and operator theory. Vol 1, 29--52, Springer (2016).
- Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Banach Spaces, and Operator Theory. Vol. 1.
Celebrating Cora Sadosky's life.
Edited by Pereyra, M.C., Marcantognini, S., Stokolos, A.M., Urbina, W.
Association for Women in Mathematics Series, 4, Springer, Cham, 2016, xvi+371 pp.
Title online
Haar bases on quasi-metric measure spaces, and dyadic structure theorems for function spaces on product spaces of homogeneous type,
with Anna Kairema, Ji Li and Lesley Ward.
J. Funct. Anal. 271, 7 (2016) 1793--1843.
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- Sharp bounds for t-Haar multipliers on L2,
with Oleksandra Beznosova and Jean Moraes.
"Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations", 45--64, Contemp. Math., 612, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2014.
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- Weighted estimates for dyadic paraproducts and t-Haar multipliers with complexity (m,n),
with Jean Moraes.
Publ. Mat. 57 (2013), 265--294.
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- Weighted inequalities and dyadic harmonic analysis.
"Excursions in harmonic analysis.
Volume 2", 281--306, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal., Birkhauser/Springer, New York, 2013.
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- Harmonic Analysis: from Fourier to Wavelets,
with Lesley Ward.
Student Mathematical Library Series, Vol 63 (410 pages), Amer. Math. Soc. 2012.
Title online
- Sharp bounds for general commutators on weighted
Lebesgue spaces,
with Daewon Chung and Carlos Perez.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012), 1163--1177
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- Haar multipliers meet Bellman functions.
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 25 (2009), no. 3, 799--840.
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- Wavelets, their friends, and what they can do for you,
with Martin Mohlenkamp.
EMS Lecture Series in Mathematics, European Mathematical Society 2008,
(119 pages).
Title online
- Extrapolation and sharp norm estimates for classical operators on
weighted Lebesgue spaces,
with Oliver Dragi\v{c}evi\'c, Loukas Grafakos,
and Stefanie Petermichl.
Publ. Mat. 49 (2005), 73-91.
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- Harmonic Analysis: from Fourier to Haar,
with Lesley Ward.
Lecture Notes delivered at the Program for Women in Mathematics
held at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton. Preprint (2004).
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- Data-driven and optimal denoising of a signal and recovery
of its derivative using multiwavelets,
with Sam Efromovich, Joseph D. Lakey, and Nate Tymes.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol 52, no. 3,
p. 1-8 (2004).
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- Three
-dimensional audio localization using wavelet-domain convolution,
with Paul F. Hubbard, Kristin L. Umland, and Thomas P. Caudell.
Proceedings of the SPIE Vol. 5207, p. 271--279.
"Wavelets: Applications in Signal and Image Processing X",
Michael A. Unser, Akram Aldroubi, Andrew F. Laine; Eds. (2004) (refereed conference proceedings).
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- On the non-existence of certain divergence-free multiwavelets,
with Joseph D. Lakey.
In 'Wavelet and Signal Processing',
Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal. Birkhauser Boston, Boston, MA. L. Debnath, Ed. (2003) (invited paper).
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Lecture notes on dyadic harmonic analysis.
In ``Second
Summer school in analysis and mathematical physics.
Topics in analysis:
harmonic, complex, nonlinear and quantization,''
Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico,
June 12-22, 2000. S. P\'erez-Esteva, C.Villegas eds. Contemporary
Mathematics 289 AMS, Ch. I, p. 1--61 (2001).
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- Multiwavelets and EP denoising,
with Timothy L. Berkopec, Joseph D. Lakey, Nate Tymes.
Proc. SPIE Vol. 4478, p. 230--241, Wavelets: Applications in
Signal and Image Processing IX, Andrew F. Laine; Michael A. Unser; Akram
Aldroubi; Eds. (2001) (refereed conference proceedings).
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Multiwavelet characterization of function spaces adapted to the
Navier-Stokes equations,
with Joseph D. Lakey and Sofian Obeidat.
Proc. SPIE Vol. 4119,
p. 372--383, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII,
Akram Aldroubi; Andrew F. Laine; Michael A. Unser; Eds (2000) (invited paper).
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- The Application of Multiwavelets to Recovery of Signals,
with Sam Efromovich, Nate Tymes.
Computing Science and Statistics, p. 234--241,
33 (2000).
- Divergence-free multiwavelets on rectangular domains,
with Joseph D. Lakey.
In "Wavelet Analysis and Multiresolution Methods", p. 203--240,
Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 212 ,
Dekker, NY, 2000 (invited paper).
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- A note on a maximal function over arbitrary sets of
with Ana M. Vargas.
Bull. London Math. Soc. 32 no. 1, p. 71-74 (2000).
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- Multiwavelets on the interval and divergence-free wavelets,
with Joseph D. Lakey.
Proc. of the SPIE 3813 "Wavelet Applications in Signal and
Image Processing VII", Unser, Michael A.; Aldroubi, Akram; Laine,
Andrew F (eds.) p. 162--173 (1999).
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- Haar multipliers, paraproducts, and weighted inequalities,
with Nets H. Katz.
In "Analysis of Divergence", W. Bray, C. Stanojevic eds. Chapter 10,
p. 145--170 (1999).
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- Divergence-free multiwavelets,
with Joseph D. Lakey and Peter R. Massopust.
Approximation Theory IX
2 p. 161--168, C. K. Chui and L. L. Schumaker, eds.
Innov. Appl. Math., Vanderbilt Univ. Press, Nashville, TN, 1998
(refereed conference proceedings).
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- Paraexponentials, Muckenhoupt weights, and
dyadic paraproducts,
with Lesley Ward.
Proceedings of the AMS
126(01):135--144 (1998).
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- On the two weight problem for the Hilbert transform.
with Nets H. Katz.
Revista Matem\'{a}tica Iberoamericana
13(01):211--242 (1997).
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- Sobolev spaces on Lipschitz curves.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
172(2):553--589 (1996).
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- On the resolvent of the dyadic paraproduct, and a non linear
operation on $RH_p$ weights.
Cont. Math. of AMS. 189(01):461-471 (1995).
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- On the resolvents of dyadic paraproducts.
Revista Matem\'atica Iberoamericana
10(03):627--664 (1994).
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- Sobolev spaces on Lipschitz curves, paraproducts, and related operators.
Yale University. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1993.
- Eigenfunction expansions of covariance kernels of Hilbert
space processes,
with Mischa Cotlar and Jose Leon.
Acta Cient. Venezolana 38(05-06):563--569 (1987).
Last revised January 2021
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