Computer Algebra in Education

at ACA'2018 to be held June 18-22 at Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Michel Beaudin, ÉTS, Canada
Michael Wester, University of New Mexico, USA
Alkis Akritas, University of Thessaly, Greece
José Luis Galán García, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Elena Varbanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Noah Dana-Picard, Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel
Sara Hershkovitz, Center for Educational Technology, Israel
Anatoli Kouropatov, Center for Educational Technology, Israel


Education has become one of the fastest growing application areas for computers in general and computer algebra in particular. Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) make for powerful teaching and learning tools within mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, etc. Among them are:
(a) the commercial "heavy weights" such as Casio ClassPad 330, Derive, Magma, Maple, Mathematica, MuPAD, TI NSpire CAS, and
(b) the free software/open source systems such as Axiom, Euler, Fermat, wxMaxima, Reduce, and the rising stars such as GeoGebra, Sage, SymPy and Xcas (the swiss knife for mathematics).

The goal of this session is to exchange ideas, discuss classroom experiences, and to explore significant issues relating to CAS tools/use within education. Subjects of interest for this session will include new CAS-based teaching/learning strategies, curriculum changes, new support materials, assessment practices from all scientific fields, and experiences of joint use of applied mathematics and CAS.

We emphasize that all levels of education are welcome, from high school to university, and that all domains are welcome, including teacher training, engineer training, etc.

If you are interested in proposing a talk, please send an abstract to Michel Beaudin. Please use this LaTeX template for your abstract and send both the LaTeX source and a compiled PDF version. We suggest that abstracts be at least half a page including references.


  1. About the Bulgarian experience in organizing National Student Olympiad in Computer Mathematics
    (Penka Georgieva, Burgas, Bulgaria)
  2. Student Attitudes toward Technology Use in Math Education
    (Karsten Schmidt, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  3. Technology enhanced e-assessments in Calculus courses with application of CAS
    (Elena Varbanova, Sofia, Bulgaria)
  4. Analyzing the "Calculator Effect" of Different Kinds of Software for School Arithmetics and Algebra
    (Rein Prank, Tartu, Estonia)
  5. Dynamic visualizations for network flow optimizations problems with Mathematica
    (Włodzimierz Wojas* and Jan Krupa*, Poland)
  6. Using TI-Nspire for the financial education of future engineers
    (Hanan Smidi, ÉTS, Canada)
  7. Accurate plotting in 3D: how to choose the mesh
    (David G. Zeitoun and Thierry N. Dana-Picard*, Israel)
  8. Addressing discrete mathematics problems in the classroom
    (Anouk Bergeron-Brlek, ÉTS, Canada)
  9. Introducing parametric curves with CAS
    (Louis-Xavier Proulx, ÉTS, Canada)
  10. New rules for improving Cas capabilities when computing improper integrals. Applications in Math Education
    (José Luis Galán-García*, Gabriel Aguilera-Venegas, Pedro Rodríguez-Cielos, Yolanda Padilla-Domínguez, María Ángeles Galán-García, Spain)
  11. Teaching Partial Differential Equations with Cas
    (José Luis Galán-García*, Pedro Rodríguez-Cielos, Yolanda Padilla-Domínguez, María Ángeles Galán-García, Gabriel Aguilera-Venegas and Ricardo Rodríguez-Cielos, Spain)

  12. Do we take advantage of ICT when teaching maths at primary and secondary education levels? Do we teach maths as we should?
    (Eugenio-Roanes Lozano, Madrid, Spain)
  13. Visualizations of the nondominated set and the efficient set in multicriteria optimization problems using Mathematica
    (Włodzimierz Wojas* and Jan Krupa*, Poland)
  14. Analyzing discrete suspended chains using computer algebra
    (Gilbert Labelle, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
  15. Fractals and tessellations: from K's to cosmology
    (Thierry Dana-Picard* and Sara Hershkovitz, Israel)
  16. Periodic and Nontrivial Periodic Input in Linear ODEs (Part I)
    (Michel Beaudin, ÉTS, Canada)
  17. Periodic and Nontrivial Periodic Input in Linear ODEs (Part II)
    (Michel Beaudin, ÉTS, Canada)

  18. Consolidation of abstract knowledge in the process of confronting errors using digital tools: The case of the inflection point
    (Regina Ovodenko and Anatoli Kouropatov*, Israel)
  19. The Runge Example for Interpolation and Wilkinson's Examples for Rootfinding
    (Leili Rafiee Sevyeri* and Robert M. Corless, Canada)
  20. A non-iterative method for solving nonlinear equations
    (Michael Xue, Vroom Laboratory for Advanced Computing, USA)
  21. What is the integral of xn?
    (David J. Jeffrey*, David R. Stoutemyer and Robert M. Corless, Canada and Hawaii, USA)
  22. CAS in Teaching Basics of Stereoscopy
    (J. Benjamin*, D. Walker, T. Myllari, A. Myllari, Grenada)
  23. Familiarizing students with definition of Lebesgue measure using Mathematica - some examples of calculation directly from its definition
    (Włodzimierz Wojas*, Jan Krupa*, Jarosław Bojarski, Poland)

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