Algebra & Geometry Seminar 03/27, Fixed-Point Floer Cohomology and Zariski’s Multiplicity Conjecture, Sam Auyeung (Trinity College)
Event Description:
Speaker: Sam Auyeung (Trinity College) Wednesday, March 27, 1pm - 2pm. Note the unusual time!
Title: Fixed-Point Floer Cohomology and Zariski’s Multiplicity Conjecture
Abstract: In 1968, Milnor showed that one approach to studying algebro-geometric questions concerning isolated hypersurface singularities is to use the topology of an associated fibration. When we upgrade to using symplectic and contact geometry, we're able to address more questions, such as Zariski's Multiplicity Conjecture (ZMC). In this talk, I will give a brief survey of known results and some of the Floer theoretic ingredients needed for proving them. Time permitting, I will sketch an alternative proof of a version of ZMC using adjacencies and TQFT structures.