Colloquium/Analysis Seminar: Stefan Steinerberger (University of Washington, Seattle) "Growth Models in the Plane"
Event Type:
Stefan Steinerberger (University of Washington, Seattle)
Event Date:
Friday, February 9, 2024 - 3:00pm
SMLC 356
General PublicFaculty/StaffStudentsAlumni/Friends
Event Description:
Title: Growth Models in the Plane
Abstract: We'll study the growth of (two-dimensional) things. Think about lichen growing on a tree (tends to be sort of round). Another fun example is electricity propagating through wood (tends to be sort of fractal). A famous and still very mysterious model is called DLA: it forms the most beautiful fractal patterns (pictures will be provided). Despite this, DLA is actually fairly poorly understood and we will quickly survey the existing ideas (unfortunately there aren't very many). We will then discuss a new type of growth model that behaves similarly (many more pictures will be shown) and which can be precisely analyzed. No prior knowledge is necessary and there will be lots of pictures and open problems!

Biography: Stefan Steinerberger is this year’s Speaker for the UNM-PNM Statewide High School Mathematics Contest. He is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Washington, Seattle. His main field of research is Analysis. He likes questions combining PDEs, Spectral Theory, Harmonic Analysis, and all sorts of applications.