Math colloquium, Prof. Rodrigo Banuelos, Department of Mathematics, Purdue University
Event Description:
Abstract. The discrete Hilbert transform was introduced by David Hilbert at the beginning
of the 20th century as an example of a singular quadratic form. Its boundedness on the
space of square summable sequences appeared in H. Wyel’s doctoral dissertation (directed
by Hilbert) in 1908. In 1925, Marcel Riesz solved a problem of great interest to the analysis
community at the time by showing that the continuous version of the Hilbert transform on
the real line is bounded on the Lebesgue Lp–spaces. From this he concluded the same for
the discrete Hilbert transform on the space of p–summable sequences. In 1926, inspired
by Riesz’s proof, E. C. Titchmarsh showed that in fact the operators have the same norm.
Unfortunately, soon after the publication he found a gap in the proof. The question of
equality has been open ever since.
In this talk the speaker will discuss a probabilistic construction that leads to sharp norm
bounds for discrete singular integrals on the d-dimensional lattice, where d is greater than
or equal to one. When d is one, it resolves the problem for the Hilbert transform. The case
d greater than one raises similar questions and conjectures for other Calderón-Zygmund
singular integrals.
This lecture is designed for a general audience. The talk will contain many historical
remarks. Technicalities will be kept to a minimum.