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Terry Loring's research in K-Theory and Physics is getting noticed

Our own Distinguished Professor Terry Loring  was featured in the August 10, 2023 UNM News: Mathematics formula K-Theory used to advance understanding of topological materials

Terry and his team, including Adjunct Research Professor Alex Cerjan, a physicist and full time Sandia National Laboratories researcher, recently published an experimental  paper involving  Terry's research on K-theory with the major advances in applications to critical problems in physics

  • Wenting Cheng, Alexander Cerjan, Ssu-Ying Chen, Emil Prodan, Terry A. Loring, and Camelia Prodan. Revealing topology in metals using experimental protocols inspired by K-theory. Nat Commun 14, 3071 (2023).

This experimental paper  is getting noticed, see  Nature Communications.

Terry and Alex have a blossoming collaboration with a number of grants already awarded and others pending. They just landed a second LDRD, on the electron structure of materials like twisted bi-layer graphene. This will fund 60% of a Postdoc in Pure Math for three years with a light teaching load. 

In the UNM News article Terry  "also notes that there are many projects involving similar mathematics and physics currently active in the Cerjan-Loring group here in Albuquerque, with a remote group working in Florida. This group includes students from UNM and Florida A&M. The students working in Albuquerque this summer are José García, Dominic Cordova and Micheal O Cobhthaigh from UNM and Ajani Roberts from Florida A&M. The mathematician at Florida A&M working with UNM is Vasile Lauric. Stephan Wong and Kahlil Dixon are two postdoctoral researchers in the group, currently working at Sandia."

Congratulations Terry and your team!