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Dimiter Vassilev



Phone: (505) 277-2136

Fax: (505) 277-5505

Office Location: SMLC 326

Office Hours: 
Monday: 10:30-11:30
Wednesday: 10:30-11:30

Research Area/s: 



Mathematical Physics

Partial Differential Equations

See for the most updated class and research information.

 I am the current UNM Putnam supervisor,  William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition

The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition® (the Putnam) is the preeminent mathematics competition for undergraduate college students in the United States and Canada. What began as a friendly competition between mathematics departments at colleges and universities back in 1938 has become the leading university-level mathematics examination in the world – and winning a prestigious accomplishment.  Each December, thousands of the brightest math students from hundreds of colleges and universities compete to win top honors. Although participants work independently on the six-hour exam’s problems, there is also a team aspect to the competition.  Cash prizes are awarded to the highest-ranked team’s math department and their student members and Putnam Fellows who are the highest-ranking individuals. The Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize is also awarded to a woman whose performance in the competition is particularly meritorious. 

The MAA is proud to organize the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition through the generous support of the William Lowell Putnam Prize Fund. 

Students will register for the Competition by following a link obtained from the supervisor at their institution. Students may register until the competition begins on Dec. 7, 2024. You can send me an email if you want to be added to the MS Team of the UNM students interested in preparing and/ or participating in the Putnam Competiton.

Prospective Math Majors, see:

Fall 2024 courses for Vassilev, D. 

  • 56) Vector Analysis - MATH 311 001.  MW 8:30 am - 9:45 am. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Vector algebra, lines, planes; vector valued functions, curves, tangent lines, arc length, line integrals; directional derivative and gradient; divergence, curl, Gauss’ and Stokes’ theorems, geometric interpretations. Prerequisite: 2531. Text: INTRO TO VECTOR ANALYSIS 7/E ISBN: 9780697160997/ 0697160998 BY DAVIS, HARRY, SNIDER, DAVID, AND SNIDER, ARTHUR D., PUBLISHED BY HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS.

Homework, including submission, and the communication of all course information will rely on MS OneNote and the associated OneNote.  You need to be registered for the course with a email. Any other email will disable features of Microsoft Teams. I will send you by email a link to join the MATH311 team. Alternatively, you can use the link in the course page on Canvas in order to request access.

All course communication will rely on MS Teams and the associated OneNote.  You need to be registered for the course with a email. Any other email will disable features of Microsoft Teams. I will send you by email a link to join the MATH327 team. Alternatively, you can use the link in the course page on Canvas in order to request access.

Spring 2024 courses

Fall 2023 courses for Vassilev, D. 

  • 53) Vector Analysis - 67897 - MATH 311 - 003. Hybrid Instructional Method: Face-to-Face Plus DSH 226 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm T, Remote Set Day/Time 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm R Remote Instruction Microsoft Teams. Course Description. Vector algebra, lines, planes; vector valued functions, curves, tangent lines, arc length, line integrals; directional derivative and gradient; divergence, curl, Gauss’ and Stokes’ theorems, geometric interpretations. Prerequisite: Calculus III. See this web page for further information
  • 52) Introduction to Topology - MATH 431 002 & Foundations of Topology - MATH 535 002, Face-to-Face SMLS 352 11:00 am - 12:15 pm T, Remote Set Day/Time 11:00 am - 12:15 pm R Location MS Teams. Description:  Metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, algebraic topology.  Basic point set topology. Separation axioms, metric spaces, topological manifolds, fundamental group and covering spaces.  Prerequisites: MATH321. Pre- or co requisites: MATH322.  Texts: 1. Munkres J. Topology (Pearson) 2nd ed 2. Introduction to Topology, Th. Gamelin & R.E.Greene, Dover Publ., 2nd ed. See this web page for further information

Spring 2023 courses for Vassilev, D. 

  • 51) Advanced Calculus II - MATH 402 002 CRN6016. Hybrid Instructional Method: Face-to-Face Plus: 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm T SMLC B81, Remote Set Day/Time 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm R Remote Instruction Microsoft Teams. Course Description. Generalization of 401/501 to several variables and metric spaces: sequences, limits, compactness and continuity on metric spaces; interchange of limit operations; series, power series; partial derivatives; fixed point, implicit and inverse function theorems; multiple integrals. Prerequisite: MATH321. Pre- or co requisites: MATH322.

Fall 2022 courses for Vassilev, D. 

Spring 2022 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 48) MATH439 ST: Intro to Diff Manifold & MATH536 Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds , Time TTh 8:00-9:15.  Description: The main goal of the course is to familiarize you with topological and geometric notions and structures through a gentle introduction to some topics motivated by physics and geometry. Specific topics will include basic topology, smooth manifolds, vector field and their flows, differential forms, Stokes theorem, DeRham theory, Lie groups and algebras, Riemannian and semi-Riemannian metrics, vector and fiber bundles, connections. Some applications will be given to Maxwell's Equations and the Yang-Mills Equation. Prerequisites: Linear Algebra and Calculus III, preferably also MATH431, 322 will be helpful. Course web page


  • 47) MATH 533 Algebraic Topology II & MATH538 Riemannian Geometry II, Time TTh 1400-1515. Description: Morse theory in finite and infinite dimensions. Applications in geometry and existence of solutions to variational problems and partial differential equations. Course Web Page

Fall 2021 Schedule for Vassilev, D. 

  • 46) MATH311 Vector Analysis - 67897 - MATH 311 - 003. Hybrid Instructional Method: Face-to-Face Plus 8:00 am - 9:15 am T, Remote Set Day/Time 8:00 am - 9:15 am R Remote Instruction Microsoft Teams. Course Description. Vector algebra, lines, planes; vector valued functions, curves, tangent lines, arc length, line integrals; directional derivative and gradient; divergence, curl, Gauss’ and Stokes’ theorems, geometric interpretations. Prerequisite: Calculus III. See the Course web page for further information.
  • 45) MATH 537 Riemannian Geometry I, Time: M/W/F: 12:00 pm – 12:50 pm, Location: MS Teams. Riemannian Geometry I, Time MW 1230-1345, Location SMLC-124. Description: Theory of connections, curvature, Riemannian metrics, Hopf-Rinow theorem, geodesics. Riemannian submanifolds. Prerequisite: 536.
  • 44) Math 431 Introduction to Topology & Math 535  Foundations of Topology, MWF 1400-1450, Location MS Teams. Description:  Metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, algebraic topology.  Basic point set topology. Separation axioms, metric spaces, topological manifolds, fundamental group and covering spaces.  Prerequisite: MATH401.  Text: Introduction to Topology, Th. Gamelin & R.E.Greene, Dover Publ., 2nd edition.

Spring 2020 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

Fall 2019 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

Spring 2019 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

Fall 2018 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 37) MATH313-001 44939 Complex Variables for Engineering. (3) Time TTh 12:30-13:45, Location DSH-233.  Course web page.
  • 36) MATH 539-001 62064 Selected topics Geometry & Topology, Time TTh 14:00-15:15, Location SMLC352. Course web page

  • 35) MATH 551-001, Problems, F 16:00-17:00, Location SMLC 356.

  • Algebra & Geometry Seminar, W 15:00-16:00, Location SMLC 352.

Spring 2018 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 34) MATH439-001 40631 ST: Intro to Diff Manifold, Time TTh 8:00-9:15 SMLC-120.  Description:Maxwell's Equations, Manifolds, Vector Fields, Differential Forms and DeRham Theory, Lie groups and Lie Algebras. Basics on Bundles and Connections, Gauge transformations, Holonomy, Curvature and the Yang-Mills Equation. Prerequisites: 264, 321. 322 will be helpful. Course web page.


  • 33) MATH 538-001 44849 Riemannian Geometry II, Time TTh 1230-1345, Location SARAR-107. Description: Continuation of MATH 537 with emphasis on adding more structures. Comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry, Riemannian submersions, Bochner theorems with relation to topology of manifolds, Riemannian Foliations, Complex and Kaehler geometry, Sasakian and contact geometry.

    Prerequisite: 537. Course web page.

Fall 2017  Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 32) MATH306-001 59458 College Geometry, Time MW 1600-1715 SMLC-124.  DescriptionAn axiomatic approach to fundamentals of geometry, both Euclidean and non-Euclidean. Emphasis on historical development of geometry. (T). Prerequisites162 or 215. Course web page with Syllabus & Homework


  • 31) MATH 537-003 60880 Riemannian Geometry I, Time MW 1230-1345, Location SMLC-124. Description: Theory of connections, curvature, Riemannian metrics, Hopf-Rinow theorem, geodesics. Riemannian submanifolds. Prerequisite: 536. Course web page with Syllabus & Homework.

Spring 2017  Schedule for Vassilev, D.

Fall 2016  Schedule for Vassilev, D.

Spring 2016  Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 26) MATH 439-001 55949 ST: Intro to Diff Manifold & MATH 536 - 001 51950 Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds. Class time  11:00 am-12:15 pm. Location SMLC 352. Course web page with Syllabus & Homework.

Fall 2015  Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 25) 44643-MATH 431 001 Intro To Topology & 44644-MATH 535 001 Foundations of Topology MWF 1400-1450  Location Dane Smith Hall DSH-233 Description:  Metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, algebraic topology.  Basic point set topology. Separation axioms, metric spaces, topological manifolds, fundamental group and covering spaces.  Prerequisite: MATH401.  Text: Introduction to Topology, Th. Gamelin & R.E.Greene, Dover Publ., 2nd edition. Syllabus and Homework.

  • 24) 54094-MATH 579 002 ST: Part Diff Equas 3 MWF  1100-1150 Location Dane Smith Hall DSH126.

    Description: The course will focus on fully non-linear equations, mainly related to the Monge-Ampere equation. Syllabus.

Spring 2015 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

Spring 2014 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 22) MATH 538 Riemannian Geometry II. Lectures TR 1100-1215 SMLC 124. Course Readings: Catalog Description: Continuation of MATH 537 Riemannian Geometry I with emphasis on adding more structures. Riemannian submersions, Bochner theorems with relation to topology of manifolds, Riemannian Foliations, Complex and Kaehler geometry, Sasakian and contact geometry. Prerequisite: 537. Syllabus.

Fall 2013

  • 21) Math264 Sections 003 and 004, Calculus III, Lectures MWF 1100-1150 DSH-326. Recitation Sections  003 T 1100-1215 DSH-234 & 004 T 1100-1215 DSH-234. Syllabus and Homework. Description: Vector operations, vector representation of planes and curves, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, gradient, tangent planes, optimization, multiple integrals in Cartesian cylindrical and spherical coordinates, vector fields, line integrals and Green’s theorem. Prerequisite: C (not C-) or better in 163.

  • 20) Math431 Introduction to Topology & Math 535  Foundations of Topology, MWF 900-950, Location SMLC-356 Syllabus and Homework. Description:  Metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, algebraic topology.  Basic point set topology. Separation axioms, metric spaces, topological manifolds, fundamental group and covering spaces.  Prerequisite: MATH401.  Text: Introduction to Topology, Th. Gamelin & R.E.Greene, Dover Publ., 2nd edition.

Spring 2013 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 19) Math 536 001 Intro Diff Manifolds MWF 1100-1150, CENT-1028 . Description: Concept of a manifold, differential structures, vector bundles, tangent and cotangent bundles, embedding, immersions and submersions, transversality, Stokes' theorem. Prerequisite: Math 511.  Suggested Textbooks: Lee J. M., Introduction to smooth manifolds (Springer, Graduate Texts in Mathematics) & Morita S., Geometry of Differential Forms (Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 201). Syllabus and homework.

Fall 2012 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 18) Math 431 Introduction to Topology & Math 535  Foundations of Topology, MWF 1300-1350, Location DSH-327. Syllabus and Homework & WebCT Description:  Metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, algebraic topology.  Basic point set topology. Separation axioms, metric spaces, topological manifolds, fundamental group and covering spaces.  Prerequisite: MATH401.  Text: Introduction to Topology, Th. Gamelin & R.E.Greene, Dover Publ., 2nd edition.

Spring 2012 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 17) Math 562 001 25493  Func of Cmplx Var II TR 0930-1045 MITCH 218.  Syllabus and HW.  Description: The Mittag-Leffler theorem, series and product expansions, introduction to asymptotics and the properties of the gamma and zeta functions. The Riemann mapping theorem, harmonic functions and Dirichlet's problem. Introduction to elliptic functions. Selected topics.  Prerequisite: MATH561. MATH562 is a continuation of  Math 561, so it might be useful to check  the  HW for MATH561 Fall 2010. Textbook: Function Theory of One Complex Variable: Third Edition (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) (Hardcover) Robert E. Greene and Steven G. Krantz.

Spring 2011 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 16) 25493 Math 562 001 Func of Cmplx Var II TR 1230-1345 MITCH 212.  Syllabus and HW Description: The Mittag-Leffler theorem, series and product expansions, introduction to asymptotics and the properties of the gamma and zeta functions. The Riemann mapping theorem, harmonic functions and Dirichlet's problem. Introduction to elliptic functions. Selected topics.  Prerequisite: MATH561. MATH562 is a continuation of  Math 561, so it might be useful to check  the  HW for MATH561 Fall 2010. Textbook: Function Theory of One Complex Variable: Third Edition (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) (Hardcover) Robert E. Greene and Steven G. Krantz

Fall 2010 Schedule for Vassilev, D.

  • 15) 37221 Math 561 001 Func of Cmplx Var I MWF 1400-1450 HUM 428 Syllabus and HW Description: Analyticity, Cauchy theorem and formulas, Taylor and Laurent series, singularities and residues, conformal mapping, selected topics.  Prerequisite: Math 311 or 402. Textbook: Function Theory of One Complex Variable: Third Edition (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) (Hardcover) Robert E. Greene and Steven G. Krantz
  • 14) 39785 Math 180 016 Elements of Calc I MWF 0900-0950 ECON 1002,   Syllabus and HW,   WebCT link for current grade. Description: Limits of functions and continuity, intuitive concepts and basic properties; derivative as rate of change, basic differentiation techniques; application of differential calculus to graphing and minima-maxima problems; exponential and logarithmic functions with applications. Meets New Mexico Lower Division General Education Common Core Curriculum Area II: Mathematics (NMCCN 1613).  Prerequisite: ACT=>26 or SAT=>600 or MATH 121 or MATH 150 or Compass College Algebra >66. 

Textbook: Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 8th Edition

Soo T. Tan
ISBN-10: 0495559695

ISBN-13: 9780495559696

© 2011

Department support page:


Spring 2010

  • 13) 30243 Math 536 001 Intro Diff Manifolds MWF 1000-1050 HUM 422 Syllabus and homework Description: Concept of a manifold, differential structures, vector bundles, tangent and cotangent bundles, embedding, immersions and submersions, transversality, Stokes' theorem. Prerequisite: Math 511.

Fall 2009

Spring 2009

Fall 2008

Spring 2008