News Archive
News Archive
UNM-PNM Math Contest in UNMnews
February 20, 2020
UNMnews posted an article about the UNM-PNM Math Contest!
Congratulations Zeb and Hongnian for a well run contest!
In-service Week Schedule, Spring 2020
January 13, 2020
Schedule for Spring 2020 In-Service
Also in pdf format.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
ALEKS/CAPS Training: 1:00-5:00
Zimmerman Library 345 MaLL Tutor & PMT Training (mandatory for all MaLL tutors) (CAPS)
Please see... read more
Mike Nakamaye featured in the Notices of the AMS
January 12, 2020
Mike Nakamaye with coauthors including former department faculty member Kristin Umland published the article "The Number Line: Unifying the Evolving Definition of Number in K-12 Mathematics" that appeared in the October 2019 issue of the Notices... read more
Reuben Hersh passed away
January 5, 2020
It is with great sadness that we share the news of Reuben Hersh's passing on Jan 3, 2020 in his appartment at Brookdale in Santa Fe, NM.
Some of us had the pleasure to meet Reuben, enjoy his wit and erudition as well as his kindness and warmth.... read more
Anna Skripka featured in the Notices of the AMS
January 5, 2020
Anna Skripka's article on Untangling Noncommutatitvity with Operator Integrals just appered in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) January 2020 issue. Enjoy a good reading!
Terry Loring elected a 2020 Fellow of the AMS
November 23, 2019
Professor Terry Loring has been elected a 2020 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
For contributions to K-theory for operator algebras, for applications in theoretical physics, and for interdisciplinary work involving computer science,... read more
John Shadid awarded the USACM Thomas J. R. Hughes Medal for CFD
November 20, 2019
National Laboratories Professor John Shadid, has been awarded the U.S. Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM) Thomas J. R. Hughes Medal for CFD. The award was given with both his Sandia and UNM Math affiliation: For outstanding and sustained... read more
Anna Skripka one of three Invited Addresses at AMS Sectional Meeting
November 6, 2019
Professor Anna Skripka is one of three invited addresses at the 2019 Fall Western Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society held at University of California--Riverside (this is quite an honor). A short introduction to her talk appeared... read more
Three Graduate Students present Posters at UNM Shared Knowledge Conference
November 6, 2019
Three of our graduate students are presenting posters at the 2019 Shared Knowledge Conference organized by UNM Graduate Studies. The students are Chamsol Park (Pure Mathematics, advisor Prof Matt Blair), Kellin Rumsey (Statistics, advisor Prof... read more
Sr. Lecturer Derek Martinez pairs yoga with calculus for success
October 10, 2019
Read more about innovative Senior Lecturer Derek Martinez's new course-pairing model at the UNM Newsroom: "Using yoga to boost math scores".
Also, see the KRQE story from Oct 10, 2019.
Terry Loring, mathematical physics and high performance computing
October 5, 2019
Read more about Prof Loring's contribution to mathematical physics in his recent paper, A Guide to the Bott Index and Localizer Index, and at the UNM Center for Advanced Research Computing.
Jeopardy! for Jason Zuffranieri, Math & Stat previous Part-time Instructor and UNM Alumnus
July 27, 2019
Jason Zuffranieri was a Math & Stat part-time instructor (PTI) with the Math Learning Lab (MaLL) during Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. He started his winning streak on Jeopardy! on 7/19/19 winning a 6-day total of $137,300 at the end of Season 35... read more
AnaMaria Perez wins top in Mathematics Category at ISEF
May 20, 2019
Congratulations to AnaMaria Perez of Albuquerque Academy! She won the top award in Mathematics along with recognition from NSA, Mu Alpha Theta and the AMS at ISEF last week for her project: Classifying magic squares and their symmetries using a... read more
Patricia Oakley wins Weber Teaching Award!
April 23, 2019
Patricia Oakley is the recipient of the William P. and Heather W. Weber Teaching Excellence Award this year. Congratulations!
Bibiana Seng is invited to Washington D.C. to showcase her research, congratulations!
April 8, 2019
Bibiana Seng is invited to Washington D.C. to showcase her research, congratulations!
Here is the link to the UNM news
and here is the link to the... read more