Transcriptions of Westray/Wester/Nolley/McAnally documents
- Will of Richard Worrell
(March 22, 1715 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deeds from Henry West to John
(May 20, 1722 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from William Westwray to
John Westwray
(January 20, 1724 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from William Westwray to
Edward Westwray
(December 24, 1731 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from William Westwray to
Benjamin Westwray
(December 24, 1731 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from William Westwray to
Mathew Westwray
(December 27, 1731 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Will of John Mackmiall
(October 18, 1734 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deeds from
Elizabeth Clothier to Benjamin
(October 23, 1736 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Inventory of the estate of
Robert Westray
(November 20, 1737 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from
Christopher and John Reynolds
to William Hoyall
(October 4, 1738 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from Benjamin and
Elizabeth Westwray to John Westwray
(October 25, 1740 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Will of Elizabeth
(November 28, 1750 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Inventory of the estate of
(September 5, 1751 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed between John and Ann Westray and
David and Susannah Atkins
(November 7, 1751 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Will of John Westray
(December 23, 1755 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Inventory of the estate of
John Westray
(August 5, 1756 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Orphans accounts
(1757-1760, Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Court orders
(1759-1763, Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Will of Hardy Westray
(February 5, 1760 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Inventory of the estate of
Edward Westray
(March 6, 1760 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Inventory of the estate of
Hardy Westray
(April 6, 1760 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from Arthur and Elizabeth
Westray to Charles Fletcher
(January 12, 1761 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Appraisal of the estate of
Needham Nolley
(August 5, 1761 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from Arthur and Elizabeth
Westray to Joshua Edwards
(January 13, 1762 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Judgement for
Christopher and Penelope
(Nolliboy) Reynolds
(July 9, 1762 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Will of John Westray
(November 29, 1762 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Inventory of the estate of
John Westray
(January 6, 1763 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Account of the estate of
Edward Westray
(February 3, 1763 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from Elizabeth Sawer to her
son John
(October 5, 1763 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from Jacob Jr. and Martha
Stevens to William Westray
(December 1, 1763 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Court orders
(1764-1768, Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Account of the estate of
John Westray
(August 1, 1764 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from
Thomas and Margret Lankford to
Caelia Westray
(October 31, 1764 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Orphans accounts
(1766-1768, Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Deed from Benjamin and Lucy
Westray to William and Lucy Westray
(March 4, 1767 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Account of the estate of
Nedom Nolley
(October 7, 1771 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Court orders
(1772, Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Will of Benjamin Westray
(January 10, 1780 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
- Will of Edmund Westray
(July 13, 1795 Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
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